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Date: Wed, 7 Apr 93 00:15:03 PDT
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
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Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #75
To: info-mac-list@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Info-Mac Digest Wed, 7 Apr 93 Volume 11 : Issue 75
Today's Topics:
[*] BBEdit 2.2.2
[*] TidBITS#171/05-Apr-93
***MacInTax Warning - A little much
[Q] AppleTalk Internet Router
C610 Internal Drive Bay
Centris 610 & FPU
Chinese World Script
copying file names with command-C (A)
could you? that would be great
Digital Film
Disk compressors
diskdoubler 377 updater transfer problem
EasyPlay Shareware?
Ergonomic Keyboard: another opinion...
Ethernet/Hyper Card conflict solved
Excel 4.0 & Apple Adjustable keyboard...
Experbib 1.0b1 - Bibliographic managing program
Film Recorder
Freedom of Press (Q)
Frozen Trackballs on DuoDocks (A)
Ham Radio and Macs
HELP PLEASE - Caere Hand Scanner Problem
Info-Mac Digest V11 #74 (3 msgs)
Legality question...
LF's what are they - thank you.
MacInTax bugs.....
Mac Pix Mouse
MacX 1.1.7, MacTCP 1.1.1 and System 7.1 (Q)
My favorite, on the CeBIT (C)
non-english programs
Powerbook 160 vs. Duo
PowerCD comment ?
Put it where?
Send Me Your Mail-Order Horror Stories
SPSS on Mac-is it a good idea?
Supra modem problem dealt with nicely
SWII and 32 bit-quickdraw (Q)
Telnet 2.5 as FTP Host?
Telnet and Modems
Three Cheers for the Anachronist Express
Trap Numbers
Unix-like troff (Q)
Weird font kerning (PostScript printing?) problem
WriteMove II experiences (?)
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 13:37:44 -0400
From: bbedit@world.std.com (BBEdit Support)
Subject: [*] BBEdit 2.2.2
The attached BinHex file is a StuffIt Deluxe 3.0 archive which
contains BBEdit 2.2.2, the latest maintenance version of the freeware
editor BBEdit. This archive contains the complete BBEdit
distribution, including XTND translators, ToolServer support
utilities, extensions, and full documentation in Microsoft Word 5.0
format; it's intended for users of BBEdit 2.1.3 and earlier, or for
new users of BBEdit.
This version of BBEdit includes several bug fixes, most notably fixes
to Aladdin Systems' internal resource compression for bugs which would
cause BBEdit to crash in some circumstances when running on some
PowerBook models or when MacTCP was installed.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/bbedit-222.hqx; 655K]
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 93 21:00:51 PDT
From: ace@tidbits.com (Adam C. Engst)
Subject: [*] TidBITS#171/05-Apr-93
No April Fools issue this year, but you might like what we have
from that auspicious day. We also have a look at the massive
CeBIT show, the announcement of Apple's new on-site service plan
for all Macs, news of a Duo price drop, an editorial on why
Apple releases a new Mac model every 7.4 days, and the
long-awaited announcement of CE's QuickMail 2.6. Finally, for
those who track time, check out our review of WindoWatch and
The CeBIT Show
Apple Assurance Service
Shelf Space Wars
QuickMail 2.6... Connect Now!
TimeLog & WindoWatch
AFD Postings of Note
[Archived as /info-mac/digest/tb/tidbits-171.etx; 29K]
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 16:53:34 cdt
From: "Duckenfield,Paul" <DUCKENFI@AC.GRIN.EDU>
Subject: ***MacInTax Warning - A little much
In regards to last issue's extended flame on ChipSoft's MacInTax
package, I would like to come to ChipSoft's defense. I purchased the
HeadStart Edition in October and did a little preparation for my Final
Edition so that I could get an idea of my tax liability/refund. The
installation went smoothly (I restarted with shift down so as to turn off all
inits and avoid conflicts). I wasn't 100% thrilled with the "interview"
feature of the program, but it seemed adequate. In January, I was able to
generate a final tax return, print it on a postscript printer and send it to
the IRS. Three weeks later, I got my refund from the Federal Government. The
ax program was quite accurate. Since this is the first time I had done my
taxes on my computer, I carefully checked a couple of times to make sure that
everything was right.
I have read on the net that some people have had serious INIT
and that the MacInTax fonts have screwed somethings up. I have not had these
problems. I did get a letter from Chipsoft stating that there was a bug in
one of their "obscure" forms. Since my taxes are relatively simple, I don't
use this form, so I don't care. Still, it seems to me that Chipsoft has been
pretty straight forward and honest and their product appears to work very
The condemnation of the package in this lists lead article (especially
with the headline such as it was) makes you think that it is calculating your
taxes completely wrong. This isn't the case at all. Chipsoft has been done a
disservice by that posting.
I have no connection with Chipsoft besides being a satisfied
[ Paul Duckenfield User Services Specialist ]
[ DUCKENFI@AC.GRIN.EDU Grinnell College Computer Services ]
[ 515-269-4901 Grinnell, Iowa 50112 ]
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 19:38:27 +0200
From: rickli@aut.ee.ethz.ch (Martin Rickli)
Subject: [Q] AppleTalk Internet Router
We are having trouble installing our copy of AppleTalk Internet Router v2.0
on our server-Mac.
The server is a IIx with Apple File Server v3.0 and System 7.0.1
When I try to install the router-software the following error message
File "System" on ... is not the right type for
"AppleTalk Internet Router (v2.0)"
As I understand this is due to Sys 7, and the Installer on my disk is v2.6.2!
Has anyone had the same problem?
Any help is very appreciated. Thanx
Martin Rickli
Automatic Control Laboratory
ETH Zurich, Switzerland Internet : Rickli@aut.ee.ethz.ch
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 9:24:10 EDT
From: u4b08@lfkw2.bgm.link.com (David Cappello)
Subject: C610 Internal Drive Bay
Hello info-mac readers, I have just purchased a Centris 610/E and
to date am very very happy with the system/performance. However,
the first thing I did was to take it apart. I noticed that
there is room for a 1/2 hight 5.25" drive - But there are
NO mounting rails or anything to attach a drive.
Does anyone know where I can purchase a "mounting kit" for
the Centris 610? I wish to install an old 3.5" 40mb drive
in the empty bay.
Please reply directly to me, as I sometimes miss Info-mac
publications. (I hope this is not a FAQ - sorry if it is)
David Cappello dcappello@link.com
Date: 06 Apr 1993 13:43:57 -0500 (EST)
From: "Bill Doemel, Director of Computer Services"
Subject: Centris 610 & FPU
I received sveral responses to my query about FPU's and Centris machines:
From: P.K.Guinnessy@qmw.ac.uk (Paul Guinnessy, QMW College )
Some of the speed reports I have read about suggest the LCIII with a FPU is
faster than the VX as the VX has a 16 bit motherboard while the LCIII has a 32
bit board. It might be worthwhile looking at this instead.
Another option would be to get some discounts on Quadra 700's as these are
to be discontinued (if they haven't been so already). There are still some
out there, they are just harder to find. try the discount warehouse stores.
From: gray@cmgroup.engr.wisc.edu (Gary Gray, Engineering Mechanics &
Astronautics,University of Wisconsin-Madison)
The software you describe would make *TREMENDOUS* use of the fpu
in any machine (I use Mathematica all the time) and given that, I
would not get any machien w/o one. Upgrading a 610 would be just as
expensive. What about the LCIII with fpu? The LCIII is about the
same speed as a IIci and with fpu would be as fast or faster than
a 610 without one on fpu intensive tasks.
From: acc00rrb@unccvm.uncc.edu (Bob Blackmun, UNC Charlotte)
If you haven't already see it, check David Ramsey's column (on the Product
Watch page) in the march 29th issue of MacWeek. It says that you'll have to
replace the 68LC040 cpu with a standard 68040 cpu; since the cpu is
socketed, it's not a huge deal to *carefully* replace it. He says that you
can buy 68040 cpu's for $375 from Sonnet Technologies, (800) 945-3668.
Note: The 610 is a 20 Mhz machine and the 650 is a 25 Mhz machine.
Bill Doemel,Director of Computer Services, Wabash College (317)-364-4311
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 23:07 CST
From: <JDM45843%ACUVAX.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Chinese World Script
Does anyone know if Apple has a Chinese script for system 7.1? If not
can someone tell me where I can get a full character set of Chinese fonts.
My father is starting to do alot of business with China and really needs
to be able to print and fax information in Chinese.
Thanks for the help.
Jeff Madison
Graduate Student
Abilene Christian University
Date: 5 Apr 1993 21:46:19 -0700
From: "Apgar, Eric" <apgar#m#_eric@msgate.corp.apple.com>
Subject: copying file names with command-C (A)
>In an application I need the filenames of the files (to be processed) in a
>separate file.
>I found out that this can be done with the command-C command: first
>select the files then apply command-C and paste it with command-V (e.g.
>in Teach Text). For some unknown reason this works only when the number
>of files is less than about 15.
>More filenames are not pasted.
>Could someone tell me why this is the case?
There's a 256 character limit on the string...
Apgar@Apple.com | Eric Apgar alias Gar | I said it, NOT Apple.
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 93 18:09:26 PDT
From: ddgarcia@sprite.Berkeley.EDU (Dan Garcia)
Subject: could you? that would be great
Is there a mailserver for sumex files? Could this question be posted
to the newsgroup?
Dan Garcia
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 17:59 BST
From: RICHARD LIM <RTL@siva.bris.ac.uk>
Subject: Digital Film
According to the current issue of MacUser UK, Supermac has had to withdraw
their Digital Film QuickTime board because of bugs. Does anybody know what
the problems were exactly? Apparently very few were sold and some were
returned to Supermac because of these bugs. It seems amazing to me that
such a sophisticated piece of hardware, which appeared to work fine when
demoed with full-screen QuickTime movies (no mean feat) could have serious
bugs. It makes you wonder about the beta testers...
Date: 06 Apr 1993 16:00:39 -0500 (CDT)
From: KAZKAZK@carleton.edu
Subject: Disk compressors
I'm one of those people that are constantly running out of disk space. I
have the money to get a decent-sized hard drive, though, so I was going to buy
disk compression software.
Here's my question: Which ones do people like, and why?
I've read Tony Huang's very helpful report (kudos to Tony) in Sumex about
TimesTwo. I would like to know about Stacker, and how Stacker and TimesTwo
compare, and how Stacker or TimesTwo compares with Auto Doubler, Disk Doubler,
Stuffit, SpaceSaver, and all the rest.
I really like the transparent way Stacker and TimesTwo work, and will most
likely end up with one of those, unless someone out there can convince me
About Stacker in particular, I would like to know if it runs into the same
problems TimesTwo does, e.g. not being able to partition, having to boot off
the floppy if the hard drive crashes, and if it has copy protection on it.
know, stuff like that.
Thanks much.
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 07:39:06 -0500
From: wcurtis@c-mols.siu.edu
Subject: diskdoubler 377 updater transfer problem
Dear Sir or Madam,
I thought you might like to know that the last time I had a Turbogopher
session with your server, I was unable to properly download "diskdoubler
377 updater" from the utilities folder in Info-Mac. I got the normal prompt
for where to save the file, and it was transferred, but it did not show up
in the designated location (the desktop). I tried again and was asked if I
wished to replace the already extent copy and I said yes. The second copy
did not show up either. I then tried to copy it into a folder thinking
there might be something wrong with my desktop display.
Everything went fine until I looked for it and couldn't find it in the
folder. I then went to Fetch it from another source and tried something
called an Info-Mac mirror. Isn't that another server with Info-Mac files?
At any rate the same thing happened. I tried to find the files using find
>From the menu and had no luck. But Superboomerang's finder located all
three! They were invisible. I made them visible and tossed two copies
immediately because I thought something might be wrong with the files
(virus, perhaps) and tried to decompress the last copy onto a floppy after
checking the file with Disinfectant 3.0. It would not decompress, and
locked up my screen several times until I gave up and threw it away. I was
so worried that it might be a virus that it didn't occur to me until later
that the file might have been fixable.
At any rate, I was able to download a file before and after (the
diskdoubler file) from sumex so it seems that my software was working
correctly.You may wish to give this a moment's attention, I'm sure it is a
problem easily solved.
I've used Turbogopher with your server before, and this is the first time
that I had any trouble with a downloaded file. Your service is
indispensible to me. Thank you.
William M. Curtis
Southern Illinois University E-mail: wcurtis@c-mols.siu.edu
Research Glassblowing Facility Telephone: 618-453-6492
Carbondale, IL 62901-4400 Fax: 618-453-3459
Date: 6 Apr 1993 10:37:32 -0700
From: mead@skat.usc.edu (Dick Mead)
Subject: DMA SCSI...
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>work on other SCSI cards, I don't know for sure. It just reminds me on the
>Mac IIfx, DMA SCSI was implemented in the hardware, but the Mac OS cannot
>take advantage of it because the SCSI Manager was written without DMA in
>As a matter of fact, the SCSI of IIfx is much slower than what you expect
>>From a 40MHz CPU. But when you run AU/X 2.0 ( announced in the same product
>launch ), the throughput out-perform Mac OS because it can use DMA!
[stuff deleted]
>There's also rumors/vaporware that the SCSI Manager was re-written from
>scratch. If it is true, can we expect a performance boost in older
>machines? Or it is just for the new machines with faster SCSI controller
>Tony Wong
If Apple holds true to form, the IIfx will indeed be excluded from
improvement by a new SCSI Manager. This is just another case of
unfulfilled promises by Apple, just like the SE/30. Perhaps some
3rd party will come along and do what Apple won't. Maybe, just maybe,
Apple will surprise us. Of course, even if the IIfx does benefit from
a new SM, Apple will probably unbundle it and charge => $100 for the update
like they have done with ARA..
I hope I am wrong..
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 93 09:52:18 PST
From: Michael <MBRODSKY%LMUACAD.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: EasyPlay Shareware?
Could somebody post a copy of the new shareware quicktime
utility EasyPlay to Info-Mac. I just read about it in MacWeek and
it is supposed to be located On ZiffNet/Mac it is EZPLAY.SEA in the
applications library at GO ZMC: DOWNTECH. Thanks.
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 15:16:00 +0100
From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
Subject: Ergonomic Keyboard: another opinion...
Earl Misanchuk wrote a relatively good review of Apple's new ergonomic
keyboard in info-mac 74. I would like to add my comments to his (I won't
quote him directly because it was a little long- if you want to see what he
said you can refer to the above issue).
Caps Lock key:
This doesn't bother me nearly as much as it did Earl. I can live with it and
only find it rarely to be an inconvenience (I also have a Duo and can live
with the Caps lock on it too- I may be the only one on the planet that can,
but so be it).
Mushy Keys:
I disagree with Earl. I like the keys. They're quiter than the Extended
keyboard and I have no problem with them.
No Right Option & Control:
A definite bummer, but understandable- with the shift key having to be so big
and wanting to put arrow keys on the main board, I'm afraid I couldn't come up
with a better configuration myself (i.e., it's a necessary evil).
Too Big and "clunky":
Well, the main unit is considerably smaller than the Extended keyboard. The
big problem is the keypad (see below).
Definitely a BIG mistake. I don't mind so much that it's separate from the
main board (that's necessary because the board swivels and leaving the keypad
attached would have made it VERY akward to get to). My main complaint is that
(like Earl) with the keypad on the right, the numbers are too far away (
because now the F-keys are in between the main board and the nummeric pad) AND
the mouse/trackball is (as Earl said) virtually on the next desk. I,
personally, don't like to use the keypad with my left hand (old habit, I
suppose), so putting it on the left is not really a solution for me.
Believe it or not, I DO keep the keypad above (in front of) the main board (
because I want the mouse next to my keyboard and easy access to the F-keys [
which, supposedly according to Apple, no one uses!]). When I go to Excel, I
move the keypad down to the right of the keyboard (extremely inconvenient but
I don't really see that I have a choice...).
I don't mind the buttons (I guess we should call them F-buttons, eh?)- but I
also think that they should have been left on the main unit.
Multi-media buttons:
I don't really need them. The mute is nice, the rest I would like to remap,
but QuickKeys doesn't recongnize the sound up/down keys (too bad because they
would make perfect page up/down keys!).
Earl is ABSOLUTELY right on this. Although my "hand rests" have yet to fall
off, they really should have made them attach more securely. Bad design
(Earl complained about the clatter when they fall to the floor: I suggest he
buy some carpet ;-)
Unlike Earl, I CAN live with the keyboard- but just barely (Excel seems the
recognize the down arrow as a "scroll-down one line" instead of move down one
cell- strange). I think you'll never be able to please everyone and I do
appreciate Apple for trying- I just wish they had talked to some Quickkey
users first...
Elliot Bennett
DLR, Cologne, Germany
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 11:47:37 EDT
From: stevep@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca (Steve Portigal)
Subject: Ethernet/Hyper Card conflict solved
Thanks to two people who REALLY helped me out: upgrading to telnet 2.5
solves this problem somehow. I guess I didn't trace the conflict
properly. This problem may occur with HyperCard and a variety of
different ethernet cards. Upgrading telnet solves is quite handily...
Steve Portigal
| Steve Portigal, Dep't of CIS, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, N1G 2W1 |
| email: stevep@snowhite.cis.uoguelph.ca Phone: (519) 824-4120 ext 3580 |
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 16:01:49 +0100
From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
Subject: Excel 4.0 & Apple Adjustable keyboard...
Can anyone tell me why, when I use the arrow keys on the Apple's new
adjustable keyboard (or its attached keypad) in MS Excel 4.0, instead of
moving to different cells (up/down/right/left), typing on the arrow keys
scrolls the window one line (as if I had clicked in the up/down/right/left
arrow boxes of the window's scrollbars)???
Configuration: Duo 230 12/120, dock, Ethernet, NO INITs!!, System 7.1 (new
keyboard layout software which came with the keyboard installed)
Strange, no? What am I doing wrong?
MUCH thanks if ANYONE can help!!
Elliot Bennett
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1993 01:34:16 GMT
From: berg@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (bergstrom daniel b)
Subject: Experbib 1.0b1 - Bibliographic managing program
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>EXPERBIB is a bibliographic managing program that must be executed with 4
>Dimension (4D) from Acius (version 2.1 or later)...
I've been looking for a good reference organizing program like this for a
while. Are there any good stand-alone versions around?
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 12:29:00 -0500
From: Marc_Dionne@UQTR.UQuebec.CA (Marc Dionne)
Subject: Film Recorder
We are looking for something who can produce slide from an Macintosh. Does
somebody has experience with some product who do that? Does somebody can
tell me where I can see an article about that?
Send your answer to this question directly to me, I will summarize for the
Marc Dionne Email: Marc_Dionne@uqtr.uquebec.ca
Universite du Qubec Trois-Rivires Tel: (819) 376-5100, ext 2419
C.P. 500, Trois-Rivieres, Qc, Canada / G9A 5H7 Fax: (819) 376-5153
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 18:28 EDT
From: "S. W. Yuroff" <SYUROFF%ALBION.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Freedom of Press (Q)
Hello all,
I am searching for any comments from experienced users of Freedom Of
Press by Color Age. From the MacWharehouse catalog, it seems like just the
thing I am looking for: a utility to get my HP DeskWriter to print EPS files
that look like the nice 300DPI, shaded images that the local QMS laser prints,
and not the 72DPI brick piles I'm currently seeing. I also have a TIFF
scan that only prints at screen res, would I expect FoP to smooth that one
out as well?
A quick addition to this: what's the difference between FoP and FoP
Light besides the number of printers supported and fonts? It would seem that
as long as my HP is in FoP Light, life should be grand, right?
If someone could just mention about speed, print quality, ect, that
would be just great. I'm running 7.0.1 Tuned on a 4/40 Powerbook 140.
Thanks for your time!
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1993 16:52:35 ADT
From: hazen@goat.drea.dnd.ca
Subject: Frozen Trackballs on DuoDocks (A)
A few weeks ago I queried the board for information on frozen
trackballs used with the new DuoDocks. Here is what I have learned
>From a few replys and from talking to a couple of trackball
manufacturers. Apparantly, the problem is that Apple has not
conformed to their stated specifications for the power supply on the
desktop bus at start up. Thus the system does not recognize that
there is anything out there and ignores the messages that come from
the device. If the ADB is disconnected then when the system recovers
or what ever the system does (disconnecting the ADB is supposed to be
very dangerous to the system) it does see the trackball and everything
works fine until the next restart.
Apparantly all the third party trackball manufacturers have told Apple
that there is a problem and it is being worked on. Manufacturers like
Kensington have upgraded their software to solve the problem, while
trackballs that are completely hardware driven like ITAC's Mouse-Trak
trackball are stuck hoping that apple will be able to make a system
This problem has also been encountered on the Centris machines, and it
is not the first time that Apple has not conformed to thier own
specifications apparantly.
Other Duo information. There was an inquiry about using 19" screens
with a DuoDock. I put a RasterOps ColorBoard 8L in my Duo and it
seems to work ok, except something went in the monitor while it was
being transferred. This left me with the fallback of a 12" apple
monitor which is supported by the Duo's built in video.
Unfortunately, there does not seem to be the smarts to know that the
19" monitor is not there and so I have a black hole to the left of my
now shrunken screen on which some applications like to appear and I
have to go fishing for. It appears that the 8L board overrides the
built in video as being the primary monitor. Even removing RasterOps'
control panel extension did nothing to resolve this.
Ethertalk cards!!! Apple has bundled an extension called
AutoRemounter that is hell on a network. Apparantly it is supposed to
allow your Duo to go to sleep while connected to a LocalTalk network
and then when it wakes up reconnect itself. However, if you have
Ethertalk in your Dock the Duo does not go to sleep and the
AutoRemounter every 30 secs or so does a multi-cast to see who is out
there. My network manager was not impressed. The particular card I
have is an Asante MACCON IIE/64 and their tech service was quick with
the diagnosis.
Mark Hazen
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 23:17:12 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Ham Radio and Macs
Does anyone know where I can get more information on using Macs and Ham
Radio? I don't have a license yet but hopefully will have one this summer.
Thanks for the help.
Jeff Madison
Graduate Student
Abilene Christian University
Date: 6 Apr 93 19:06:02 GMT
From: Zia Manji <zia@castle.ed.ac.uk>
Subject: HELP PLEASE - Caere Hand Scanner Problem
My problem is that my Caere Typist Plus Graphics Hand Scanner will not
connect to my PowerBook 160. The cable from the scanner does not fit the
SCSI port of the PowerBook.
I managed to get a cable assembled to adapt the scanner cord. However,
this turned the computer into SCSI mode and when I switched on the
computer it displayed the SCSI icon and acted as an external Hard Disk.
I've asked an engineer in London to assemble a new cable. However, the
lazy git has taken 14 weeks and has not solved the problem.
I now ask you, beg you, to solve my problem. If you know what cable I
need and where I can get it from please write to me.
My E-mail address is :
I will be truely grateful for all your help.
Thanking you in advance,
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 12:47:30 +1000
From: c.mclaughlin@uws.edu.au (Colin McLaughlin)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #74
At 7:05 PM 5-4-93 -0700, The Moderators wrote:
>Subject: [*] conflict-catcher-139a.hqx
>Conflict Catcher DEMO 1.39a
>[Moderator: Please replace version 1.39 with this 1.39a.]
>New Demo Version! Download Conflict Catcher and let's get to work
>on your startup file problems!
I am having problems with this file and I was wondering if anyone else is.
It works fine until I try to create a set. It then produces a F-Line Bomb
as soon as I click OK after naming the set.
I have had several attempts and the same result. It seems pretty nifty but
I thought it was supposed to avoid bombs not create them. Silly me. I gave
up on Crash Guard for the same reason - that it is it created more crashes
than it avoided. Maybe I am too adventurous with my init collection but
these type of programs are meant to resolve problems not add to them. I
also tried out HELP! but it seemed to generate a lot of useless information
such as reporting on multiple copies of inits stored outside the System
Folder. What is supposed to be so dangerous about having such files in
another folder anyway.
Sorry that this has turned out into a winge but I got carried away.
Colin McLaughlin
University of Western Sydney
Booloobidja Aboriginal Education Centre
61 2 772 9415 PHONE 61 2 792 3747 FAX
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 07:40:46 -0600
From: walrath@faw.uni-ulm.de (Wayne K. Walrath)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #74
I'd like to read/write Mac 1.44Meg diskettes on my SparcStation. The
format is not a problem, as it is standard, but I have no idea about which
structure has a Mac diskette (I barely know that there is a Desktop on it
Download Suntar in directory /info-mac/unix and read the help files.
You will use tar (or bar) on your Sparc to put files onto the
diskette, and Suntar on your mac to get them back off. Send me mail if
you can't get it to work.
Does someone have some info about it?
thanks, .mau.
Wayne Walrath walrath@faw.uni-ulm.de
Research Inst. for Applied Knowledge Processing
Ulm, Germany
Date: 6 Apr 1993 14:13:59 GMT
From: pford@bcm.tmc.edu (Patrick V. Ford)
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #74
Re: MacInTax and bad INITs
>4. The program does work, but it is very unstable. Seems it is very
>sensitive to inits. The list that I can verify is SuperBoomerang, Now
>Menus, and Mouse Doubler. ...
I think you are too quick to blame MacInTax. I have been using these
INITs, although they are one version before the current release, I have
not had the same problems. INIT conflicts are VERY difficult to pinpoint.
It is almost like quantum physics. I have had problems involving
combinations and loading order. Errors/problems would go away when
either the offender or the catalyst INITs were turned off. The most
complex one I tracked down was a 'bad' INIT that needed 3 other INITs
loaded in the improper sequence to show its effect. I have had Now Utilities
INITs cause Quicken to hang after sending CheckFree payments. Reinstalling
the INITs made the problem disappear. Yet I could not find any differences.
Also, as a general rule, try deleting the Pref file in the Preference Folder
in the System folder, if you have problem.
P.S. If you really want something to flame about, buy Wealth Builder
and the Platinum plan. With all of MacInTaxes REAL faults, WB make it
look like a great.
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 19:03 EST
From: E=MC^2 <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: LC & SYSTEM 7 (A)
Dear Netters,
Anyone who has had any doubts about LC's capability to be compatible with
System 7, shouldn't. Just remember it is advisable to have at least 4 MB of
RAM (I know 2 MB is minimum, but that only allows one application and one
control panel to be open at any one time together). LCs are upgradeable to
10 MB of RAM, and System 7.0.0 only allows LCs to use 7.0 MB of that RAM
(assuming no Extensions are running). LCs are also compatible with 32-bit
addressing in the System 7.0.0 realm, allowing up to 9 MB of that 10 MB
maximum to be accessable through Multifinder (assuming all the software that
occupies that 9 MB is 32-bit clean - i.e. System 7.0 "Savvy" software only).
No Virtual memory can be used in the LC/I, but the LC/II and LC/III can use
the virtual memory features. It is advisable for people who want speed, in
System 7 especially, to turn their Monitor Control Panel on to B & W, and only
use color when necessary. The only slight bug found with System 7.0, is that
some inits will cause BUS errors if they are used on an LC with System 7.
This is a problem that can be overcome by hitting Command-S every 5 minutes,
(i.e. saving your file is only two keys together at any time on nearly all Mac
software). Do it, and the Bus error won't disturb your essays, spreadsheets,
as saved files normally don't become corrupted. Backup frequently too, onto
floppies, and you will be safe with LCs and System 7. You may find LCs a
little slower on System 7, especially if you don't install a 3rd party
Math-Coprocessor, than on SE/30s or Mac II's. LCs are compatible, as I use an
LC/I at home, and LC/IIs at school. Any MAC, and I mean any MAC that can be
upgraded to 4 MB of RAM will be compatible with System 7, though 68000 and
slower MACs will appear extremely slow vs. 68020 or faster. Only 68030 Macs
will run Virtual-Memory (the Hard-Disk RAM multitasking add-on). If any of
these MAC hardware/software terms are foreign to you, please feal
free to e-mail your questions about them back to me, and I will
respond within 36 hours.
Good Luck.
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 93 21:15:06 -0500
From: oehler@picard.cs.wisc.edu (Eric Oehler)
Subject: Legality question...
Ok, here's the deal. I was recently given a SW II driver to use with my SW
I. I was given this
by an apple rep, but he wasn't sure of the legality. If I were to hack this
severely in order
for it to conform better to an SW I, would I be able to post it as PD? I
wouldn't try to
charge money, as that would definitely be wrong since I only modified, not
edited. Is the
driver itself PD? Nobody I have talked to knows for sure. What about using
an updater program
to just store an update for the original driver? Would that be illegal?
Computer law is a
messy business that I don't particularly want to get involved with. Apple
could make this a
whole lot easier by releasing their own version of the SW II driver for the SW
Let me know. If it's legal, all you StyleWriter owners in net-land may get a
new toy soon...if
it's not...well...whatchagunnado?
Eric Oehler
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 18:32 EST
From: E=MC^2 <ABRODY@vax.clarku.edu>
Subject: LF's what are they - thank you.
Dear Netters,
Thank's for all the info on LFs. If anyone wants a summary, please email to
the above address. Thank you.
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 08:08:19 -0400
From: mo@uunet.uu.net (Mike O'Dell)
Subject: MacInTax bugs.....
without question this is the most sensitive Mac software I've
ever seen. when pressed, they claimed the problem was with all
the other inits and programs i was running, but it seems very
clear to me (as an ex-developer) they have some bugs of their own.
other than init-stripping the system (at boot time) to get it
to run at all, I too had problems with the program not correctly
tracking dependencies and changes and then back-propogating the
changed info correctly. what I did discover was a reliable
way to make it work. Whenever I was unsure about whether everything
was up to date, I closed all the windows. when I reopened them
it all tracked again. finally, just to check the last time
before printing, I closed and reopened the entire return to make
sure nothing changed, which it did not (making me believe the
previous close/open dance had indeed syncronized everything).
I've been a big fan of MacInTax for a long time, but if their
product does not materially improve next year, it is unlikely
I will pay for it again.
-Mike O'Dell
PS - If you think I speak for anyone except me, I have a bridge
I want to show you when the tide goes out.
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 20:43:12 EDT
From: tdk94@gram.cc.geneseo.edu (Thomas Killian)
Subject: Mac Pix Mouse
Hello All,
A co-worker of mine has a Pix mouse and graphic tablet. The drivers that he
has won't work under system 7, and I was wondering if anyone knew of a
source of these drivers. It is manufactured by CalComp Inc. Any info on a
source would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Tom Killian
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 14:35:00 +0000
From: Mike Brudenell <pmb1@tower.york.ac.uk>
Subject: MacX 1.1.7, MacTCP 1.1.1 and System 7.1 (Q)
Can someone tell me if they can use the Remote Command feature of MacX under
System 7.1 OK?
I am using MacX 1.1.7 (distributed as part of Digital's Pathworks for
kit) with MacTCP 1.1.1 on a Mac IIvx running System 7.1. The symptoms are
when I try and define a new remote command I fill in the details OK, but when
click the "Host..." button the disk rattles for a second, and the window gets
put away. It *should* present me with a dialog box to configure which host
command is to be executed on.
I have checked that the obvious things, "Hosts" file and "MacTCP tool" are
present, and also tried a fresh install of MacX. All to no avail.
The same setup works fine on an LC running System 7.0.1 however.
Anyone got any thoughts, please?
Mike B-)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 08:50:27 -0600
From: walrath@faw.uni-ulm.de (Wayne K. Walrath)
Subject: My favorite, on the CeBIT (C)
At one of the Apple stands last week on the CeBIT, I noticed an "Intel
Inside" sticker on the side of one of the Apples there. Since we are
all used to seeing this logo in ads and on billboards, it wasn't easy
to miss. But when I moved in for a closer look.... what it really said
was "Intel Outside"!
Of course I asked for one of them, but they didn't have any around (the booth
attendant said he could have sold 600 of just that day).
Date: 05 Apr 1993 21:55:20 -0500 (CDT)
From: Available only by prescription <VOLLRATP@carleton.edu>
Subject: non-english programs
I am a coordinator for Carleton College's Modern Language Center, and I'm
looking for non-English programs to use on our DOS and Mac machines to make
language classes a little more fun. We would like to have games (or any other
fun or interesting stuff for that matter) in German, Spanish, French,
Chinese, and Russian as well as other languages.
I'm about as far away from some of these places as I could possibly be, so if
some of you out there who are a little _closer_ could send me, say, addresses
(or phone numbers, but I don't speak Chinese!) of companies that make games in
foreign languages, I would be eternally grateful. We would also be interested
in shareware-style games as well as any other indirect leads or suggestions.
E-Mail would be the preferred method, since my Digest reading time is
and of course I'll forward any information that I may gather to anyone else
is interested.
Thanks for your help!
-- Polyglot Pete
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 07:46:41 +0200
From: bnhirsch@weizmann.weizmann.ac.il (David L. Hirschberg)
Subject: OneNet
Dear Net,
I am interested in finding out more about OneNET or First Class BBS systems
and would like to get in contact with some of the coordinators in Los
Altos, CA. Unfortunately I can not find an E-mail address for anyone. Can
someone write back to me with the info?
Thank you, David
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 23:13 CST
From: <JDM45843%ACUVAX.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Powerbook 160 vs. Duo
I need some help deciding which Powerbook would be better. The situation
currently is I need a Powerbook to do presentations on site. Later, I'll
need to not only do presentations but also some desktop publishing. I know
the Duo sounds like it will fit the bill, but I was wondering if anyone
was currently using either of these two machines in similar circumstances
to what I describe and what other hardware will be needed.
Thanks for the help.
Jeff Madison
Graduate Student
Abilene Christian University
Date: 6 Apr 93 08:51:45 GMT
From: aw@camcon.co.uk (Alain Waha)
Subject: PowerCD comment ?
The PowerCd will be released this summer.
It will have the same performance as the CD150. It is not doublespeed.
The rest you know.
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 08:33 CST
From: <SWAECHTER%UTMEM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Put it where?
Forgive me for what is undoubtedly a FAQ--but do Postscript fonts go in the
extensions folder or just in the system folder? I've seen it said both ways.
Does location make any difference if the font in question is a Type 1 font or
not? I'm running under System 7 (not 7.1) with ATM 2.0.3. So, where do I put
the PS fonts so that they'll improve the output to my StyleWriter. Thanks for
the help!
Steve Waechter
swaechter@utmem2 (bitnet)
swaechter@utmem2.utmem.edu (internet)
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 09:55:09 CDT
From: Alan Carney <acarney@encore.com>
Subject: Send Me Your Mail-Order Horror Stories
I recently sent out a request for a list of good and bad mail order companies
and didn't find quite what I was looking for. For that reason, I am toying
with the idea of compliling such a list myself; that is if I get enough
feedback from fellow netters. My initial interest was in companies that
offer Mac hardware (systems, peripherals, etc.) but the list need not be
limited to that.
If you have anything good or bad to say about a given mail-order company,
drop me a line at acarney@encore.com. Based on the response, I'll share
my findings in a week or two.
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 93 15:19:40 EST
From: Pete Tamas <GNOME%TEMPLEVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: SPSS on Mac-is it a good idea?
My brother is considering buying a Mac in order to use SPSS rather than
using it via modem from his Mac Plus. Does anyone use SPSS on the Mac?
If so, can you indicate if this is a good idea or not? Thanks, Pete Tamas
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 08:08:42 PDT
From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
Subject: Supra modem problem dealt with nicely
A couple of digests ago I reported having trouble with my newly
acquired Supra FAXmodem, viz., it takes several on/off/on tries
before the LEDs give an `OK.' Several folks replied, suggesting
that I exchange the modem (thanks, y'all :-) so I rang Supra tech
supp. Yup, they said to exchange the modem with the vendor. So I
called Mac'sPlace, from whom I bought the modem, and they agreed to
exchange the modem for me. But here's the best part: I can hang on
to my modem until the replacement arrives, then I can ship the old
modem back to Mac'sPlace AT THEIR EXPENSE. Wow! This is the first
time for me that a mail-order place has offered to pay return s/h
charges. Assuming that the replacement modem works properly, I'm
definitely one happy camper!
Thanks to all for your timely advice. And a public `thank you' to
Mac'sPlace for their service. (BTW, this was my first purchase from
Mac'sPlace; they've secured my business, f'sure ;-)
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 11:52:14 +0200
From: "Gerlo Hesselink" <G.L.J.Hesselink@el.utwente.nl>
Subject: SWII and 32 bit-quickdraw (Q)
In Digest #63 Stefano Pelli mentioned:
>For the bad news, Jose M. Payo warns :
>> - You only can do grayshading with SW I or II when your Mac has 32 Bit
>> QuickDraw, that is, you can not do grayshading from a Mac with 68000 as
>> microprocesor (Plus, Classic, SE, Portable, PowerBook 100).
>but may be this problem can be fixed with the software enablers.
Could someone tell me if this is really the solution to this problem. Are
other solutions beside the photoshop trick to print grayshade on a SE.
By the way, I have an SE which is equiped with an MOBIUS 68030-accelerator.
Nevertheless I cannot print grayshades on my stylewriter (I) with this new
Stylewriter II software. Should I install 32-Bit Quickdraw? How to do that?
Gerlo Hesselink
Integrated Optics Group
University of Twente
EL-TN-building room 7224
7500 AE Enschede
The Netherlands
Tel. X-31-53-892816
e-mail: hslk@eltn.utwente.nl
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 20:30:02 EDT
From: bmunday@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
Subject: Telnet 2.5 as FTP Host?
Does anyone know how to make NCSA Telnet 2.5's FTP server more secure? In
otherwords, how to only allow access to certain folders for any ANONYMOUS
user? Or to allow other users free login rights? Let me know...
"If you put garbage into a computer, you will get out nothing but garbage.
But that garbage, having passed through a very expensive machine, is somehow
ennobled and none dare criticize it."
And the corollary:
"Buy the most expensive machine, and you'll get the least criticism..."
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 15:21:58 -0600
From: neese@spot.Colorado.EDU (Tim Neese)
Subject: Telnet and Modems
Our campus recently put 14.4 Kbps modems on the outgoing modem pool. They
are only accessible through the ethernet via Telnet. This works fine for
connecting to remote systems except if you want to transfer files, since
Telnet doesn't know about the usual protocols such as zmodem. Does anyone
know of any products (shareware or commercial) that would allow you to
telnet to a modem, but still be able to use zmodem as the transfer
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 93 22:48:30 PDT
From: brg@cerf.net (Brian Gaeke)
Subject: Three Cheers for the Anachronist Express
I've had my Apple Standard Keyboard 1 (model M0116, serial 305153)
ever since I'd had my Mac II-nothing. (Now I have a IIci). And IT WORKS
GREAT! The keys give a nice kachunk, and the CAPS LOCK crunches down
and stays down. The escape, control, shift, and command keys are all
where they should be, and I've had no trouble with it at all. I'll
admit it's not the cleanest keyboard in the world, but it's been in
service about 4 years now...
Just raving... (Followup-To: poster) :-D
Brian Gaeke, The Dimensional Gate, Inc. E-Mail: brg@CERF.NET
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 20:51:25 EDT
From: dlandry@ncs.dnd.ca (Dominique Landry)
Subject: Trap Numbers
The Trap Number for WaitNextEvent used to be 0x60 and now it seems
to be 0xA860. What is the difference between these numbers?
Both work fine anyway - I just would like to know. Thank you.
Date: 06 Apr 1993 22:42:19 -0600 (CST)
From: MRSMA@jazz.ucc.uno.edu
Subject: Unix-like troff (Q)
is there a Unix-like troff application for the Mac?
there is grep and gawk, so how 'bout troff?
m.r. schaferkotter
uno math
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 93 17:56 BST
From: RICHARD LIM <RTL@siva.bris.ac.uk>
Subject: Weird font kerning (PostScript printing?) problem
I see my previous posting got truncated by the gremlins that affected
Digest #71, so the bit where I described the solution and posed a few
questions never made it.
The solution was in fact to reinstall the system, which also restored all
the TrueType fonts that would have been in the default installation. In
my original posting I hinted (but never stated explicitly) that a few days
before, I'd stripped out MOST of the TrueType fonts from the System file,
believing they were redundant because we only use PostScript printers.
Restoring all these TrueType fonts seemed to cure out PostScript printing
problem! I then went through the System file even more ruthlessly, hacking
out EVERY TrueType font which didn't have a corresponding PostScript font
in our printer's ROM (hence I was left only with TrueType versions of
Chicago, Geneva and Monaco). This time, PostScript printing was still okay.
What I'd like to know is whether this is a known bug - does partial removal
of TrueType fonts mess up PostScript printing? It shouldn't be the case of
course. In addition, our problems occured not just in Microsoft Word
(where others have seen it) but even when asking the Laserwriter Utility to
print font samples, so it must have been quite deep-routed. Has anyone
else had similar experiences?
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 01:37:03 -0800
From: lkchun@heartland.bradley.edu (Lance K. Chun)
Subject: WriteMove II experiences (?)
All users of the WriteMove II, please send comments with your experiences
with this little printer. Thanks very much in advance! I'm planning on
getting it. Should I? Is it worth $499 or $599? Please reply via e-mail;
I'll summarize if there's a large amount of replies.
Lance K. Chun
End of Info-Mac Digest